4 min readApr 24, 2021


Children often have an innocent curiosity that is not tainted by the fear of embarrassment or being judged. As parents, we always worry about providing the best for our children to satisfy this curiosity of theirs without suppressing it, especially at the tender ages of 6 to 8 years. When they are small, we can fuel this curiosity and channel it to more productive uses. These days, due to easy access to electronic gadgets, children tend to pay less attention to things around them and get distracted quickly. It is imperative to engage a child’s mind at a younger age towards nature, science, and creativity.


A famous Swiss philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, once said, “Let him not be taught science, let him discover it. If ever you substitute authority for the reason, he will cease to reason; he will be a mere plaything of other people’s thoughts.” The present education system in schools teaches children science through various subjects, but that alone isn’t enough. It is more paramount to ignite children’s minds and show them the true potential of science. A hunger for discovery and a taste for innovation should be developed, and it is best done at a young age.

Children’s minds are like soft clay, which keeps getting firm as they grow up. The impressions you make on them while young last forever and run deep. If a child begins to fear science once older, it becomes slightly more challenging to change that perception.


Today’s education system focuses more on the theoretical aspect of science for the early years of schooling. This instils a feeling in children that science is all about reading from books and memorizing facts. The education system hasn’t advanced yet to have the resources for practical teaching right from a young age. Hence this responsibility falls upon parents to ensure that our children carry on that curiosity and interest for things happening around them by providing them with as much practical exposure as possible. It may be as simple as breaking down small things at home, showing your kids the parts, and letting them assemble them back. There are also multiple resources provided by various organizations to facilitate and equip you with all the resources you need for simple DIY science quests.

It has been observed that the earliest age at which a child’s mind can be moulded to make him understand the simple phenomenon of science is 6 years. Between 6 to 8 years, this tender age is ideal to start your kid’s orientation towards science. He/she would understand simple concepts and remember them for a more extended period.

Moreover, since March 2020, the country has entered a state of lockdown, and the education system has taken a huge hit. It has impacted children the most as kids are not used to digital learning. They learn the best when there is interaction and hands-on learning taking place. Therefore, it becomes more important than ever to provide such learning opportunities for them at home and not let that spark in your child dull.


STEM Education stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These are the four key areas where you can focus on developing your child’s attitude towards the sciences background.

  • Science — This covers Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Education. This is one of the most fundamental topics of nature and encompasses everything that happens in your child’s surroundings.
  • Technology: This includes Robotics, Electronics, and Computer studies, among others. This could be started at a very superficial level, and you can gradually increase the difficulty of topics as your child grows.
  • Engineering: This is the science of how stuff is built around us. It can be explained on a fundamental level using building blocks or interlocking bricks. Then, it can gradually be explained by taking out everyday items and putting them back together. This way, the child can understand the mechanisms behind simple tools like how a spring works or an elastic band.
  • Mathematics: For a child of 6 years, Math can be taught every day while eating, telling stories, or playing. Few objects like chocolates can show addition or subtraction and make them understand the concept in the simplest way possible.


A single-stop solution for all your worries, this is the answer to all your concerns about fueling your child’s scientific journey.

Thinker Place provides 3 — month subscriptions focusing on STEM Education catered for a child of 6 to 8 years. It consists of various DIY toys that a small child can understand and learn from. This is the ideal package of a culmination of creativity, innovation, and knowledge of the sciences.

The motto of Thinker Place is “Learn Beyond Books” and it lives up to its motto by providing your child with a fun and creative environment through the STEM kits. These STEM kits consist of 3 DIY packages, one for each month.

  • First month:

The kit consists of two fun activities — A ‘Torch Without Battery’ and a ‘Plant and Water Indicator’.

These help your child understand how electricity works and how science can be used to better the environment, helping your child connect with nature.

  • Second month:

This kit comes with two exciting activities — A ‘Water Tank Full Indicator’ and a ‘Fan On using Sunlight’.

These help your kid understand the importance of conserving the environment and how science can play a role in it.

  • Third month:

This package includes two activities — A ‘Plug And Play Robot’ and a ‘Fire Indicator LED’. These activities would help your child understand the basics of technology and how robots work.

Besides, Thinker Place also has many such curated DIY kits for children of all ages. This would be an ideal place for your child to start his/her journey on discovering STEM education, and he/she may one day decide to explore this wonderful world of science!

If you are looking to provide your child with these fantastic opportunities to learn, build and grow, we at Thinker Place are here to help you choose the perfect subscription for your child. Do visit our page for more information: https://thinkerplace.in




Written by ThinkerPlace

‘Learn Beyond Books’ is our mantra and we practice it with passion. Thinker Place is a learning initiative for young minds!

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